以下は、本会が刊行した「吉薗周蔵大正9年作成 『奉天古陶磁圖經』」の解説文(日本語)を中文ならびに英文に翻訳して、加えたものであります。

 紀州文化振興会代表理事 落合莞爾

               平成23年9月25日  HP立ち上げの1か月目に
紀州文化振興会代表理事 落合莞爾


A Reference Handbook on the “Illustrated Text about the Fengtian Antique Ceramics″

1. Ceramic books referring to the “Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text” and classified collectors of the Ceramics

This book is a full-scale copy of the “Illustrated Text about the Fengtian Antique Ceramics” (hereafter, Illustrated Text) which was prepared by Shuzo Yoshizono in Fengtian in the summer of 1920. Since the backgrounds of the Illustrated Text and Shuzo Yoshizono as well as the history of the “Fentian Antique Ceramics” are described in detail in my another book entitled “Study on the Secret Treasure of the Qianlong Emperor and the Illustrated Text about the Fentian Antique Ceramics” (hereafter, My Book) which constitutes an integral part of this book, I would like to recommend you read thoroughly My Book.

It goes without saying that the ultimate purpose of this book, along with My Book, is to enhance normal development of the Chinese ceramic history. To be more precise, this book aims to clarify the details of the Illustrated Text and let ceramic researchers in the world know the reality of the Fengtian Antique Ceramics and pursue the research on the Chinese ceramic history which has been shrouded in lots of mystery. I believe that you will easily understand why I adopted a full-scale copy of the Illustrated Text in this book if you read My Book.

1. 9%に当たる。逸失した「図経」の分を含めた「広義の図経品」は、総数で※422
The existing three volumes of the Illustrated Text (hereafter, Existing Illustrated Text), which were duplicated for this book, were found to include 126 items of the so-called “Publicized Ceramics” (ceramics known to the public) that are listed in the published ceramic books. 1) This number accounts for 51.9% of 243 items of the total ceramics listed in the Existing Illustrated Text. The Illustrated Text including its lost volumes (hereafter, Complete Illustrated Text) is supposed to have had around 422 items in total by estimate; therefore, the number of the items listed in the lost volumes of the Illustrated Text is estimated at 179. 2)
Meanwhile, it is very natural to consider that some of the 179 items are latently included in the Publicized Ceramics. If we estimate the number, it would be 93 items (179 x 0.519≒93). As a result, when we add this number to the 126 items that have been identified as the Publicized Ceramics so far, it is estimated that 219 items listed in the Complete Illustrated Text are scattered throughout the world as the Publicized Ceramics.

注: ①「公開品」とは美術界の慣用語で、美術館・展覧会場等において長年公開展示
注: ①「公开品」是美术界的惯用语。是指在美术馆、展览会之类的场所常年公开展示、
Notes: 1) The term “Publicized Ceramics” is an idiomatic expression in the art world which means ceramics that have been shown to the public for long time at museums or exhibitions or by means of pictures in publications and thus widely known to the society to the extent that most of experts do not argue against its authenticity (or recognize its authenticity implicitly).

2) Although the total number of the items listed in the Existing Illustrated Text is 241, two items are counted as four items from the substantial point of view. Thus, the total number of the items increases up to 243, accordingly. In line with this change, the total number of the items listed in the lost volumes of the Illustrated Text is also revised to 179 items by adding 2 items thereto.

As described below, some of the ceramic books express clearly that those 126 items of wares which were identified as the “Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text” are all valuable wares of which museums and art museums in the world are proud. Among such ceramic books, the book under the title “Chugoku Tojishi (中国陶磁史) (History of Chinese Ceramics)” which was written by Masahiko Sato and published in 1978 by Heibonsha, Tokyo (hereafter, Sato Book) refers to 118 items out of the said 126 items. Accordingly, I believe that those antique ceramics lovers who have read the Sato Book will fully agree to what I said.

Since the Sato Book is already out of print, I am obliged to quote it for the convenience of readers of this book. However, it is not impossible now to purchase a used copy of the Sato Book at a secondhand bookstore. Thus, I strongly recommend that every ceramic researcher buy it for reference.

However, regarding some of the Publicized Ceramics, some people insist on those theories such as the old “Densei-setsu” (theory of bequeathment) or “Gakujyutsu-teki Hakkutsu-setsu” (theory of scholarly excavation) which contradict the description of the Illustrated Text in many aspects from the historical standpoint. If we overlook this problem as “accidental resemblance”, everything would be settled nicely, however, we should not make easy compromise without careful consideration since this is an academic issue relating to the Chinese ceramic history which is one of the academic fields of historical science,.

Therefore, as a basic principle of this book, I would like to tentativebly adopt an assumption that even a Publicized Ceramic ware, which very closely resembles a ceramic listed in the Illustrated Text but has contradiction from the historical point of view, should be deemed as the ceramic listed in the Illustrated Text as well. With respect to investigation of right and wrong issue or factual findings of such assumption, I would like to leave them to future study.

I first started with pursuit of material referring to the ceramics listed in the Illustrated Text and then realized that Masahiko Sato had his big presence in such material. As I mentioned in My Book, this does make sense because Sato had obtained lost volumes of the Illustrated Text as well as the “Collaborative Illustrations” jointly prepared by Shuzo Yoshizono and Ryotaro Mitsui, both of which are the original material of the Fengtian Antique Ceramics. Therefore, in this book, I will proceed with my study particularly focusing on the Sato Book while looking at various other ceramic books as well.

Hereafter, I am going to look into the current situation of the ceramics listed in the Illustrated Text mainly depending on the Sato Book with respect to their exhibitions and collectors. Before that, I will give a brief explanation on what compose the Illustrated Text. As a matter of fact, it has three existing volumes, and I tentatively name them as the Volume I, II and III for convenience. Other than those three volumes, a few additional volumes originally existed; however, they are supposed to have been loaned to Masahiko Sato and still kept by him even now. In any event, the table below shows the details of the Complete Illustrated Text including the lost volumes by my estimate. Each of the mark ◎ and ● indicate the existing volumes and lost volumes of the Illustrated Text, respectively. Each volume is placed in the order of the time when it was prepared. Please note that in the Volume II two pieces are added for the purpose of adjustment in calculation because of the reason mentioned earlier.

◎第Ⅰ分冊             120頁   117点
  第Ⅰ分册             120页   117件
  Volume I 120 pages 117 items
◎第Ⅱ分冊              80頁    74点+2点
  第Ⅱ分册              80页    74件+2件
  Volume II 80 pages 74 items + 2 items
●およそ明・清のもの(1~2冊)    ?        ? 佐藤に貸与
  大体上是明・清的东西(1~2册)   ?        ? 借予佐藤
Ceramics made in the Ming or Qing ? ? loaned to Sato
dynasty (one or two volumes)
●第Ⅲ分冊前半部            ?        ? 不明
  第Ⅲ分册前半部            ?        ? 不明
First half of the Volume III ? ? unknown
◎第Ⅲ分冊後半部           53頁    50点
第Ⅲ分册后半部           53页    50件
Second half of the Volume III 53 pages 50 items

現存分小計         253頁   241点+2点
现存部分小计        253页   241件+2件
Sub-total of the existing 253 pages 241 items + 2 items

逸失分推定         〔200頁   179点〕
遗矢部分推定        〔200页   179件〕
Lost volumes by estimate [ 200 pages 179 items]

「広義の図経」合計推定        〔453頁   422点〕
「广义的图经」合计推定        〔453页   422件〕
Estimated grand total of the ceramics [453 pages 422 items]
listed in the Complete Illustrated Text

1. 数字は、「図経」に掲載された順に付した「図経品」の品目番号(以下単
‚PD 数字是根据「图经」里登载的顺序制定的「图经品」的编号(以下简称“编
1. The number shown in the column of Item No. below indicates item number of each ceramic listed in the Illustrated Text in the order it is listed (hereafter, item No.). In addition, as explained in more detail in the Chapter Ⅲ of My Book, the number of items below means aggregate number of items and each item is counted as one item even if it has more than one piece.

     2.「佐藤本」が掲載しない「図経品」を掲載した陶磁書を【  】で示した。
      2.「佐藤本」中没有记载的「图经品」用【 】明示记载的陶瓷书。
2. The mark 【  】indicates a ceramic book which refers to any ceramic listed in the Illustrated Text that is not cited in the Sato Book.

     3. 下文中,平凡社《陶瓷大系》简称为《大系》;河出书房《世界陶瓷全集》
3.Hereafter, I sometimes use abbreviations for particular books, namely, the “Reference Book” for the “Ceramic Reference Book (陶磁大系)” published by Heibonsha Limited, Publishers, the “Kawade Book” for the “Complete World Ceramics Book (世界陶磁全集)” published by Kawade Shobo Publishers, Inc., the “Shogakukan Book” for the “Complete World Ceramics Book (世界陶磁全集)” published by Shogakukan Inc. and the “Idemitsu Book” for the “Illustrated Book of Idemitsu Museum’s Ceramics / Chinese Ceramics (出光美術館蔵品図録・中国陶磁)” published by Idemitsu Museum of Arts, respectively.

4. 粗体黑体数字是在后述的《写本・合作河图》里登载的物品。也就是「图谱品」。
4.The number in gothic bold typeface in the column of the item No. indicates a ceramic that is also listed in the “Manuscript & Collaborative Illustrations”, which is to be mentioned later and defined as the “Illustrations”.

5. 文中、「重文」は、重要文化財の略称で日本に所在する建造物、美術工芸品等の有形文化財のうち、文化史的・学術的に特に重要なものとして文化財保護法に基づき日本国政府(文部科学大臣)が指定した文化財を指す。
5. The “Important Assets” as defined in this book stands for the Important Cultural Assets of Japan which the Japanese Government (Minister of Education and Science) designates as the important cultural assets among the architecture, arts and crafts and other various tangible cultural assets in Japan under the Act on Protection of Cultural Properties of Japan.

6. The “National Treasure” as defined in this book stands for the valuable and superior treasure of the nation designated by the Japanese Government (Minister of Education and Science) among the Important Assets from the viewpoint of the worldwide culture.










Ⅰ 公開品(「佐藤本」及びその他の公開陶磁書に掲載された品)
Ⅰ 公开品(「佐藤本」以及其他公开的陶瓷书中记载的作品)
Ⅰ Publicized Ceramics (ceramics listed in the Sato Book and/or other published ceramic books)

ⅠのA  所蔵者名の明らかな公開品
Ⅰ—A   收藏者名明确的公开品
Ⅰ-A   Publicized Ceramics whose owners are identified

Tokyo National Museum

     奉天品番    「佐藤本」図番号 品名(【 】以外は佐藤本による)
      作品号   「佐藤本」的图编号 作品名(除【 】外均出自「佐藤本」)
Item No. Picture No. in Name of the item (based upon the
the Sato Book Sato Book except the one marked with【 】)
4        51   黒釉天鶏壷 徳清窯 東晋
               黒釉天鸡壶 德清窑 东晋
Stoneware chicken-head ewer with handle, black iron glaze.
Deqing ware, Eastern Jin dynasty.
5        66   青磁蓮弁六耳壷 北斉
               青瓷莲辩六耳壶 北齐
Stoneware jar with carved lotus-petal design, ash glaze. Nothern Qi dynasty
13       色15   青磁輪花鉢 南宋官窯 重文
                青瓷轮花钵 南宋官窑 重文
Color 15 Celadon bowl with foliate rim. Southern Song guan ware. Important Assets.
14       色21   白磁刻花蓮弁文壷 定窯 北宋
                白瓷器刻花莲辩文壶 定窑 北宋
Color 21 Small white porcelaneous jar with carved lotus-petal design. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
15       色20   白磁刻花宝珠文小壺 定窯 五代
                白瓷刻花宝珠文小壶 定窑 五代
Color 20 Small white porcelaneous jar with incised flaming-pearl design. Ding ware, Five Dynasties period.
46       123   白磁鳳首水注 盛唐  重文
                白瓷凤首水注 盛唐  重文
White porcelaneous phoenix-head ewer, translucent glaze. High Tang period. Important Assets.
58       色43   三彩印花牡丹文長盤 遼
                三彩印花牡丹文长盤 辽
Color 43 Three-color molded earthenware platter with peony motif. Liao dynasty.
60       171   白地線彫り黒彩牡丹唐草文壷 遼
                白地线雕黒彩牡丹唐草文壶 辽
White porcelaneous jar with sgraffito decoration covered with black glaze. Liao dynasty.
69       200   青磁香炉 龍泉窯 南宋 広田寄贈
                青瓷香炉 龙泉窑 南宋 广田寄赠
Celadon censer. Longquan ware. Southern Song dynasty. Donated by Mr. Hirota.
76       155   青磁劃花鳳凰唐草文承盤 耀州窯 北宋
青瓷划花凤凰唐草文承盤 耀州窑 北宋
Celadon basin with floral-scroll motifs. Yaozhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
77       154   青磁劃花鳳凰唐草文水注 耀州窯 北宋
青瓷划花凤凰唐草文水注 耀州窑 北宋
Celadon ewer with carved phoenix motifs. Yaozhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
92       色31   玳皮天目碗 吉州窯 南宋
  玳皮天目碗 吉州窯 南宋
Color 31 Stoneware tea bowl. Taihi temmoku, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty.
102       168   赤絵蓮魚文碗 磁州窯 金 広田寄贈
赤绘莲鱼文碗 磁州窑 金 广田寄赠
Stoneware bowl with fish motif in enamels. Cizhou ware, Jin dynasty. Donated by Mr. Hirota.
107       159   白釉瓶 磁州窯 北宋
白釉瓶 磁州窑 北宋
Stoneware vase, clear glaze on white slip. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
108       183  河南天目牡丹文大瓶 磁州窯北宋 広田寄贈
河南天目牡丹文大瓶 磁州窑 北宋 广田寄赠
Large stoneware vase with brown iron-painted peony motif. Henan temmoku, Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty. Donated by Mr. Hirota.
【155 河出全集・元明 単色33 元青花魚藻文壷】 田中芳夫寄贈重文
【155 河出全集・元明 单色33 元青花鱼藻文壶】 田中芳夫寄赠重文
【155 Kawade Book・Yuan & Ming dynasties Monochrome No.33  Blue-and-white jar with fish and aquatic plants motifs,
Yuan dynasty】Donated by Mr. Yoshio Tanaka. Important Assets.
Total 16 items.

出光美術館 (以下は、品番・「佐藤本」・品名の表示を省略)
出光美术馆 (以下省略作品号・「佐藤本」・作品名的标注)
Idemitsu Museum of Arts (hereafter, headings of “item No.”, “Picture No. in the Sato Book” and “Name” are omitted.)
49       178   白磁劃花牡丹文平鉢 南方窯 北宋
白瓷器划花牡丹文平钵 南方窑 北宋
Large shallow white porcelain bowl with carved peony design. Southern kilns, Northern Song dynasty.
50       175   紫紅釉花盆 鈞窯 北宋
紫红釉花盆 钧窑 北宋
Stoneware flowerpot, “moon-white” glaze over reddish purple glaze. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
51       176   紫紅釉花盆 鈞窯 北宋
紫红釉花盆 钧窑 北宋
Stoneware narcissus vessel, “moon-white” glaze over reddish purple. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
84(154酷似)※215  青花羯磨文鉢 元
(和154酷似) 青花羯磨文钵 元
(closely similar to 154) Large blue-and-white bowl with phoenix and peony-scroll motifs. Yuan dynasty.
96       170   三彩花卉文瓶 磁州窯 金
                     三彩花卉文瓶 磁州窑 金
Three-color stoneware vase with foliate mouth. Cizhou ware, Jin dynasty.
110       182   青白磁渦文梅瓶
Qinbai (blue-white) meiping vase with combed spiral design, pale bluish glaze.
【146 小学館・遼金元54・55青花明妃出塞図壷 元 景徳鎮窯】
【146 小学館・辽金元54・55青花明妃出塞图壶 元 景德镇窑】
【146 Shogakukan Book・Liao/Jin/Yuan dynasties 54・55 Blue-and-white jar with a motif from the tale “Mingfei Departs the Frontier”. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.】
【168 平凡社大系37色25  青白磁獅子水注 11世紀】
【168 平凡社大系37色25  青白瓷狮子水注 11世纪】
【168 Heibonsha Reference Book Vol.37, Color 27. Qinbai ewer with motif of lion. 11th centuary】
  182       色62   釉裏紅芭蕉図水注 明洪武
                  釉里红芭蕉图水注 明洪武
Color 62 Porcelain ewer painted with banana-tree motif in underglaze red. Hongwu period, Ming dynasty.
【196 出光・色192     赤絵魚藻文壺 明嘉靖】
【196 出光・色192     赤绘鱼藻文壺 明嘉靖】
【196 Idemitsu Book・Color 192 Porcelain jar decorated in enamels with motif of fish among seaweeds, Jiajing period, Ming dynasty.】
Total 10 items
Note: Item No. 84 is closely similar to Item No.154, however, I assume that they are different wares.

デヴィッド・コレクション(PDF:Percival David Foundation)
David Collection (PDF: Percival David Foundation)
12(186と酷似)※色14 月白釉紅斑文瓶 鈞窯 北宋
(和186酷似) 月白釉红斑文瓶 钧窑 北宋
(closely similar to 186) Celadon vase, opaque bluish glaze with ※Color 14 purple splashes. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
16       色13   青磁三足香炉 汝官窯 北宋
青瓷三足香炉 汝官窑 北宋
Color 13 Celadon lian-shaped censer. Ru guan ware, Northern Song dynasty.
39       149   白磁劃花蓮唐草文長頸瓶 定窯 北宋
白瓷划花莲唐草文长颈瓶 定窑 北宋
White porcelaneous vase with carved lotus-flower motif. Ding ware, Northern Song period.
152       210   青花龍水図象耳大瓶一対 元(1351)
青花龙水图象耳大瓶一対 元(1351)
Pair of large blue-and-white vase with elephant-head handles. Yuan dynasty (1351)
Total 4 items
Note: Item No. 12 is closely similar to Item No.186, however, it is uncertain whether they are same wares or not.
The Museum Yamato Bunkakan
  6        49  青磁鉄斑天鶏壷 越州窯 東晋
青瓷铁斑天鸡壶 越州窑 东晋
Stoneware handled chicken-head ewer, ash glaze with iron spots. Yue ware, Eastern Jin dynasty.
40       150  黒釉金彩碗 定窯 北宋
黑釉金彩碗 定窑 北宋
Stoneware bowl with floral motif in gold leaf on black glaze. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
105       161  白地掻落し牡丹唐草文瓶 磁州窯 北宋
白地掻落牡丹唐草文瓶  磁州窑 北宋
Stoneware vase with sgraffito decoration, transparent glaze on white slip. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
【161 河出・元明40図 元 釉裏紅飛鳳文瓶】
【161 河出・元明40图 元 釉里红飞凤文瓶】
【161 Kawade Book・Yuan and Ming dynastys, Picture No. 40, Stoneware vase with phoenix motif in underglaze red】
Total 4 items

Umezawa Memorial Gallery.

   171       218  釉裏紅花卉文大壺 明洪武 重文
                   釉里红花卉文大壶 明洪武 重文
Large porcelain jar with floral motif in underglaze red. Hongwu period, Ming dynasty. Important Assets.
216       303  紅地粉彩花卉文壷 清乾隆(在銘)
                红地粉彩花卉文壶 清乾隆(在铭)
Famille rose enameled jar with motif on red ground. Qianlong reign mark and period.
222    英語版色27  素三彩イエロー・ホーソン瓶 康煕
        英语版色    素三彩黄地多彩瓷瓶 康煕
English edition Porcelain vase with flower-and-bird Color 27 design; enamels on biscuit. Yellow hawthorn type, Kangxi period.
225       306  黄釉耳付杯 清康煕(在銘)
                黄釉耳付杯 清康煕(在铭)
Porcelain cup with handles, dark yellow    glaze.Kangxi reign mark and period.
Total 4 items

Shanghai Museum
  20       色49  白地線彫り人物文瓶 北宋
白地线刻人物文瓶 北宋
Color 49  Stoneware vase with sgraffito decoration, transparent glaze on white slip. Northern Song dynasty.
22       色54  白地鉄絵草花文瓶 北宋
白地铁绘草花文瓶 北宋
Color 54 Stoneware vase painted with black floral motif, colorless glaze over white slip. Northern Song dynasty.
201       299  粉彩牡丹文碗 清康煕
粉彩牡丹文碗 清康煕
Famille rose enameled bowl with peony motif. Kangxi period, Qing dynasty.
210       302  墨彩竹石図碗 清雍正(在銘)
墨彩竹石图碗 清雍正(在铭)
Mocai enameled bowl with motif of rock and bamboo. Yongzheng reign mark and period. Qing dynasty.
Total 4 items

Ataka Collection

 19       色53  白地鉄絵魚文深鉢 北宋
白地铁绘鱼文深钵 北宋
Color 53 Stoneware bowl, transparent glaze over fish motif in black painted on white slip. Northern Song dynasty.
  145       212  青花蓮池魚藻図壷 元
青花莲池鱼藻图壶 元
Blue-and-white jar with motif of fish in lotus pond. Yuan dynasty.
198       色44  法花花鳥文大壺 山西窯 明
法花花鸟文大壶 山西窑 明
Earthenware fahua jar with bird-and-tree design, dark blue and turquoise-blue glazes on biscuit. Shanxi Province ware, Ming dynasty.

Total 3 items

Note: The Sato Book says that the Item 19 ware is a private collection; however, I determined that it was one of the Ataka Collection based upon the information provided by the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, Japan. (While the old Ataka Collection is now owned by the Museum of Oriental Ceramics, I still refer to them as the “Ataka” Collection in this book in respect for the collector following the internaitional common practices.)

The Palace Museum, Beijing
  47       130  青磁水注 越州窯 中唐
青瓷水注 越州窑 中唐
Celadon ewer with handle. Yue ware, Middle Tang period.
163       214  青花白堆龍水文梅瓶 元
青花白堆龙水文梅瓶 元
Blue-and-white meiping with carved dragon motif on blue-and-white background. Yuan dynasty.
174       色59  青花紅釉菊文壷 元
青花红釉菊文壶 元
Blue-and-white covered jar with recessed panels, relief in blue and red glazes. Yuan dynasty.
Total 3 items
Osaka City Museum of fine Arts
  10        74  白磁四耳壷 初唐
白瓷四耳壶 初唐
White porcelaneous jar with four lugs, transparent glaze. Early Tang period.
45       117  白磁黒釉三脚盤 盛唐
白瓷黑釉三脚盘 盛唐
Three-footed stoneware tray, black and white glazes. High Tang period.
240       277  青花婦人図角瓶 清康煕
青花妇人图角瓶 清康煕
Blue-and-white rectangular decanter with motif of court ladies. Kangxi period, Qing dynasty.
Total 3 items

Fujita Museum of Art
74        202  飛青磁片口 南宋~元
飞青瓷片口 南宋~元
Celadon small-spouted bowl with iron spots. Longquan ware, Southern Song or Yuan dynasty.
89        色29  白覆輪油滴天目碗 建窯 北宋 重文
白覆轮油滴天目碗 建窑 北宋 重文
Stoneware tea bowl with white rim, temmoku glaze with silvery brown spots. Jian ware, Northern Song dynasty. Important Assets.
91        色30  曜変天目碗 建窯南宋 国宝
曜变天目碗 建窑南宋 国宝
Stoneware bowl with iridescent spots. Yohen temmoku, Jian ware, Southern Song dynasty. National Treasure
Total 3 items

Hakutsuru Art Museum
【135 河出全集10・図68   河南天目瓶】
【135 河出全集10・图68   河南天目瓶】
【135 Kawade Book 10・Picture No.68 Henan temmoku vase】
204        259   金襴手八仙図大瓶 明
金襴手八仙图大瓶 明
Large porcelain vase with “Eight Immortals” design in enamels. Kinran-de type, Ming dynasty.
207        258   金襴手八角大壺 明   重文
金襴手八角大壶 明   重文
Porcelain hexagonal jar with geometric pattern in enamels and gold. Kinran-de type, Ming dynasty. Important Assets.
Total 3 items
Note: Height of the Item No. 135 vase is 28.3 cm according to the Illustrated Text while the vase of Hakutsuru Art Museum is 30.4 cm high. Despite of this difference, I deemed the two identical.

Ⅴ&A(Victoria and Albert Museum)
Ⅴ&A(Victoria and Albert Museum)
     9         77   白磁忍冬唐草文扁壺 初唐
白瓷忍冬唐草文扁壶 初唐
White porcelaneous flask with carved palmette design, transparent glaze. Early Tang period.
144        208   青白磁貼花八角瓶 景徳鎮窯 元
青白瓷贴花八角瓶 景德镇窑 元
Qingbai eight-faceted vase with applied decoration, pale bluish glaze. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
Total 2 items

Nezu Museum
    62        色17   青磁酒会壷 龍泉窯 元 重文
青瓷酒会壶 龙泉窑 元 重文
Color 17 Celadon covered jar. Longquan ware, Yuan dynasty. Important Assets.
72        色16   青磁筍形瓶 龍泉窯 南宋 重文
青瓷筍形瓶 龙泉窑 南宋 重文
Color 16 Celadon vase. Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty. Important Assets.
Total 2 items

Eisei-Bunko Museum
   205        301   粉彩洋人図蓮瓶(古月軒)清乾隆(在銘)重文
Double famille rose enameled vase with motif of Europeans. Gu Yue Xuan type, Qianlong reign mark and period. Important Assets.
224        312   桃花紅合子一対 清康煕(在銘) 重文
桃花红合子一对 清康煕(在铭) 重文
Pair of porcelain covered boxes with peach-bloom glaze. Kangxi reign mark and period. Important Assets.
Total 2 items

The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm (Östasiatiska Museet)
208        217   青花菊花文大盤 明洪武
青花菊花文大盘 明洪武
Large blue-and-white plate with chrysanthemum motif. Hongwu period, Ming dynasty.
221        219   白磁暗花八宝文僧帽壷 明永楽
白瓷暗花八宝文僧帽壶 明永乐
White porcelain jug of monk’s hat shape with anhua decoration. Yongle period, Ming dynasty.
Total 2 items

Kikusui Handcraft Museum
  97        163   白地掻落し牡丹唐草七宝文枕 磁州窯北宋
白地掻落牡丹唐草七宝文枕 磁州窑 北宋
Stoneware pillow with sgraffito decoration, transparent glaze on black and white slip. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
166        211   青花鳳凰草虫図瓢瓶 元 重文
青花凤凰草虫图瓢瓶 元 重文
Large blue-and-white gourd-shaped vase with faceted sides. Yuan dynasty. Important Assets
Total 2 items
Hebei Museum
    11         68   黒磁四耳壷 北斉
黒瓷四耳壶 北齐
Small stoneware jar with four lugs, black glaze. Northern Qi dynasty.

The Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
     8         56   褐釉亀形扁壺 越州窯 南朝
褐釉龟形扁壶 越州窑 南朝
Tortoise-shaped stoneware flask, brown iron glaze. Yue ware, Southern Dynasties period.

The British Museum
   190        色58   瑠璃釉雲龍文盤 元
琉璃釉云龙文盘 元
Color 58 Porcelain dish with molded dragon-and-cloud motif, cobalt-blue glaze. Yuan dynasty.

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
【169 小学館13・色41    元 青白磁刻花龍文瓶】
【169 小学館13・色41    元 青白瓷刻花龙文瓶】
【169 Shogakukan Book Vol.13 Yuan dynasty. Qinbai vase with carved Color 41 dragon design. 】

The Art Institute of Chicago
    75         152   青磁劃花牡丹唐草文瓶 耀州窯 北宋
青瓷划花牡丹唐草文瓶 耀州窑 北宋
Celadon bowl with carved peony-scroll motif. Yaozhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.

Nanjing Museum
167        213   青花騎馬人物図梅瓶 元
青花骑马人物图梅瓶 元
Blue-and-white meiping with motif of figure on horseback. Yuan dynasty.

Carl Kempe Collection
35        126   白磁輪花鉢 定窯 五代
白瓷轮花钵 定窑 五代
White porcelaneous plate with foliate rim. Ding ware, Five Dynasties period.

Musée Guimet
  220        297   粉彩桃図碗 清雍正(在銘)
粉彩桃图碗 清雍正(在铭)
Famille rose enameled bowl with peach-tree motif. Yongzheng reign mark and period, Qing dynasty

Topkapi Palace Museum
   178        色60   青花海馬図大盤 元
青花海马图大盘 元
Color 60 Large blue-and-white plate with motif of prancing qilin (mythical animal). Yuan dynasty.

Ryoko-in, Kyoto
   101        192   油滴天目碗 磁州窯系 南宋 重文
油滴天目碗 磁州窑系 南宋 重文
Small stoneware tea bowl. Oil-spot temmoku, Cizhou-ware type, Southern Song dynasty. Important Assets.

Matsuoka Museum of Art
【139 松岡・名品図録44    釉裏紅花卉文大壺 景徳鎮窯 元時代】
【139 松冈・名品图录44    釉里红花卉文大壶 景德镇窑 元代】
【139 Matsuoka・illustrated book of masterpices No.44 Large porcelain jar with floral motif in underglaze red. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.】

所蔵者名の明らかな公開品 小計78点
收藏者名明确的公开品 小计78件
Publicized Ceramics whose owners are identified
Sub-total 78 items
(Out of the 78 items, 70 items are cited in the Sato Book and 8 items only in other books)


ⅠのB 匿名公開品
Ⅰ—B 匿名公开品
I-B Publicized Ceramics under anonymity

品番    佐藤本図番号     品名(特記無きは佐藤本の品名)
作品号   佐藤本图编号     作品名(不加注释则为佐藤本作品名)
Item No. Picture No. Name (based upon the Sato Book, in the Sato Book unless otherwise stated)
      1         45   青磁也 越州窯  後漢~呉
青瓷也 越州窑  东汉~吴
Stoneware yi, ash glaze. Yue ware, Eastern Han or Three Kingdoms period.
      2         44   青磁四耳壷 越州窯 晋
青瓷四耳壶 越州窑 晋
Stoneware jar with stamped pattern, ash glaze. Yue ware. Western Jin dynasty.
      3         57   青磁鉄斑文合子 越州窯 東晋
青瓷铁斑文合子 越州窑 东晋
Stoneware covered box, ash glaze with iron spots. Yue ware, Eastern Jin dynasty.
      7         52   青磁羊形壷 越州窯 呉
青瓷羊形壶 越州窑 吴
Stoneware jar in shape of a sleep, ash glaze. Yue ware, Three Kingdoms period.
17        色12   青磁牡丹唐草文皿 耀州窯 北宋
青瓷牡丹唐草文皿 耀州窑 北宋
Color 12 Celadon plate with carved peony-scroll design. Yaozhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
18        色22   白磁印花花卉文鉢 定窯 北宋
白瓷印花花卉文钵 定窑 北宋
Color 22 White porcelaneous bowl with molded floral motif. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
21        色50   白地掻落し牡丹唐草文瓶 北宋
白地掻落牡丹唐草文瓶 北宋
Color 50 Stoneware meiping with sgraffito decoration, coloress glaze on white slip, Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
36        127   白磁輪花托 定窯 五代
白瓷轮花托 定窑 五代
White porcelaneous saucer with foliate rim. Ding ware, Five Dynasties period.
37        129   白磁水注 五代
白瓷水注 五代
White porcelaneous ewer with bundled handle. Five Dynasties period.
43        132   青磁輪花皿 越州窯 五代
青瓷轮花皿 越州窑 五代
Celadon bowl with scalloped rim. Yue ware, Five Dynasties period.
44        131   青磁輪花碗 越州窯 晩唐
青瓷轮花碗 越州窑 晩唐
Celadon bowl with foliate rim. Yue ware, late Tang period.
48        119   黒磁青白斑弁口水注 晩唐
黒瓷青白斑辩口水注 晩唐
Stoneware ewer, black glaze with blue-white mottling. Late Tang period.
52        174   月白釉紅斑盤 鈞窯 北宋
月白釉红斑盘 钧窑 北宋
Celadon plate “moon-white” glaze with reddish purple splash. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
53        189   油滴天目鉢 建窯 南宋
油滴天目钵 建窑 南宋
Stoneware tea bowl. Oil-spot temmoku, Jian ware, Southern Song dynasty.
57        172   三彩刻花芍薬文壷 遼
三彩刻花芍药文壶 辽
Three-color earthenware jar with incised peony motif, Liao dynasty.
70        201   青磁浮牡丹香炉 龍泉窯 南宋~元
青瓷浮牡丹香炉 龙泉窑 南宋~元
Celadon censer with applied peony design in low relief. Longuan ware, Southern Song or Yuan dynasty.
71        198   青磁鳳凰耳瓶 龍泉窯 南宋
青瓷凤凰耳瓶 龙泉窑 南宋
Celadon vase with phoenix-head handles. Longuan ware, Southern Song dynasty.
73        199   青磁茶碗(馬蝗絆)龍泉窯 南宋
青瓷茶碗(蚂蝗绊)龙泉窑 南宋
Celadon tea bowl, known as “Bakohan” or large-locust clamp in a literal meaning. Longuan ware, Southern Song dynasty.
78        195   木の葉天目碗 吉州窯 南宋
木叶天目碗 吉州窑 南宋
Stoneware tea bowl. Leaf temmoku, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty.
79        197   白地鉄絵水禽文鉢 吉州窯 南宋
白地铁绘水禽文钵 吉州窑 南宋
Stoneware jar, transparent glaze over bird motif in brown iron on white slip. Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty.
80        193   玳皮盞天目茶碗 吉州窯 南宋
玳皮盞天目茶碗 吉州窑 南宋
Stoneware tea bowl. Taihi temmoku, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty.
81        194   鸞天目茶碗 吉州窯 南宋
鸾天目茶碗 吉州窑 南宋
Stoneware tea bowl with paper-cut design. Taihi temmoku, Jizhou ware, Southern Song dynasty.
82        153   青花牡丹唐草文瓶 元
青花牡丹唐草文瓶 元
Blue-and-white vase with peony-scroll motif. Yuan dynasty.
83(175と酷似)※216  青花牡丹唐草文獣耳壷 元
(和175酷似) 青花牡丹唐草文兽耳壶 元
(closely similar to No.175) Blue-and-white jar with animal-mask lugs. Yuan dynasty.
90        色28   河南天目草花文壷 磁州窯系北宋
河南天目草花文壶 磁州窑系 北宋
Color 28 Stoneware jar with floral motif in brown iron. Henan temmoku, Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
94        184   河南天目花瓶 磁州窯系 北宋
河南天目花瓶 磁州窑系 北宋
Stoneware vase with brown iron splashes. Henan temmoku, Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
95        185   河南天目渦文壷 磁州窯系 北宋
河南天目涡文壶 磁州窑系 北宋
Stoneware jar with combed spiral design. Henan temmoku, Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
98        186   柿釉碗 (河南天目系)磁州窯系 北宋
柿釉碗 (河南天目系)磁州窑系 北宋
Stoneware bowl, persimmon glaze. Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
99        187   柿釉蓋物(河南天目系)磁州窯系 北宋
附柿釉盖(河南天目系)磁州窑系 北宋
Stoneware covered bowl, persimmon glaze. Cizhou-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
100        188   黒釉白堆線文双耳壷 北宋
黒釉白堆线文双耳壶 北宋
Stoneware jar, black glaze over white ribs. Cizhous-ware type, Northern Song dynasty.
103        169   赤絵牡丹文碗 磁州窯 金
赤绘牡丹文碗 磁州窑 金
Stoneware bowl with peony motif in enamels. Cizhou ware, Jin dynasty.
104        162   白地黒掻落し草虫花鳥文瓶 磁州窯北宋
白地黒搔落草虫花鸟文瓶 磁州窑 北宋
Stoneware jar with sgraffito decoration, transparent glaze on iron black and white slip. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
106        160   白釉水注 磁州窯 北宋
白釉水注 磁州窑 北宋
Stoneware ewer, clear glaze on white slip. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
111        181   青白磁蓮弁文壷 景徳鎮窯 北宋
青白磁莲辩文壶 景德镇窑 北宋
Qingbai jar with carved lotus-petal design, pale bluish glaze. Jingdezhen ware, Northern Song dynasty.
153(82と酷似)※209   青花牡丹唐草文瓶 元
(和82酷似) 青花牡丹唐草文瓶 元
(closely similar to No.82) Blue-and-white vase with peony-scroll motif. Yuan dynasty.
154(84と酷似)※215   青花羯磨文鉢 元
(和84酷似)   青花羯磨文钵 元
(closely similar to No.84) Large blue-and-white bowl with phoenix and peony-scroll motifs. Yuan dynasty.
173        色55   翡翠釉仙人図瓶 元
翡翠釉仙人図瓶 元
Color 55 Stoneware meiping painted with figure in black, turquoise-blue glaze on white slip. Yuan dynasty.
175(83と酷似)※216   青花牡丹唐草文獣耳壷 元
(和83酷似)    青花牡丹唐草文兽耳壶 元
(closely similar to No.83) Blue-and-white jar with animal-mask lugs. Yuan dynasty.
186(12と酷似)※色14   月白釉紅斑文瓶 鈞窯 北宋
(和12酷似)    月白釉红斑文瓶 钧窑 北宋
(closely similar to No.12) Celadon vase, opaque bluish glaze Color14 with purple splashes. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
200        300   粉彩霊果図盤 清乾隆(在銘)
粉彩灵果图盘 清乾隆(在铭)
Famille rose enameled plate with fruit motif. Qianlong reign mark and period.
203        260   五彩唐草文壷 天啓(在銘)
五彩唐草文壶 天启(在铭)
Wucai enameled covered jar with floral scroll motif. Tianqi reign mark and period.
213        286   青花花鳥文壷 清乾隆(在銘)
青花花鸟文壶 清乾隆(在铭)
Blue-and-white flask with motif of bird and flower. Qianlong reign mark and period.
214        284   青花花鳥文壷 清康煕
青花花鸟文壶 清康煕
Blue-and-white vase with motif of bird and flower. Kangxi period.
215        307   珊瑚釉瓶 清雍正(在銘)
珊瑚釉瓶 清雍正(在铭)
Porcelain vase with coral-red glaze. Yongzheng reign mark and period.
217        311   銅紅藍釉石榴尊 清乾隆(在銘)
铜红蓝釉石榴尊 清乾隆(在铭)
Stoneware vase, copper-red glaze mottled with blue. Qianlong reign mark and period.
226        308   豆青瓢瓶 清乾隆(在銘)
豆青瓢瓶 清乾隆(在铭)
Porcelain gourd-shaped vase with douqing glaze. Qianlong reign mark and period.
231        315   粉彩龍花文瓶 道光(在銘)
粉彩龙花文瓶 道光(在铭)
Famille rose enameled vase with floral and dragon motif. Daoguang reign mark and period.
239        282   青花白梅図瓶 清康煕
青花白梅图瓶 清康煕
Blue-and-white vase with white plum motif. Kangxi period.
  匿名公開品  小計48点(うち「佐藤本」掲載品48点)
匿名公开品  小计48件(其中「佐藤本」登载品48件)
Publicized Ceramics  Sub-total 48 items (48 items under anonymity are cited in the Sato Book.)
公開品合計    126点
公开品合计    126件
Total Publicized Ceramics 126 items

Ⅱ 半公開品(専門書・図鑑・展覧会等により存在を知る専門家が、敢
Ⅱ 半公开品(通过专业书籍、图鉴、展览会为专家所熟悉,但是仍未得到重视的作品)
Ⅱ Semi-publicized Ceramics (i.e. Ceramics of which existence are intentionally disregarded by experts in spite that they know such existence through specialized books, picture books, exhibitions and so forth.)

ⅡのA 上田恭輔『支那陶磁の時代的研究』掲載品(上田恭輔所蔵)
Ⅱ—A 上田恭辅『支那陶磁の時代的研究』记载品(上田恭辅所藏)
Ⅱ-A Ceramics cited in the book entitled “Historical Research on Chinese Ceramics” written by Kyosuke Ueda or the Ueda Book (owned by Kyosuke Ueda)
品番    上田本      図経記載
作品号   上田本      图经记载
Item No. Picture No. Description of the Illustrated Text in the Ueda Book
119   20      先ノ頁(枕 黒色 定窯 北宋)ト同ヂ
与前页所载(枕 黑色 定窑 北宋)一样
Same as illustrated in the previous page (pillow in black. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty).
120   14      黒・・・定窯 唐
黑・・・定窑 唐
Black ... Ding ware, Tang dynasty.
121   15      唐三彩ノヲカシナモノ
An odd Tang three-color ware.
124   17      壷 先頁【唐赤繪の碗】ノモノ同様種ノモノ
壶 前页【唐赤绘的碗】是同一种类物品
Jar. Same type as illustrated in the previous page [Tang aka-e enameled bowl].
125    8      瓶 淡イ緑ノ地ニ線ノ圖 唐
瓶 淡绿色为地 线为图 唐
Vase. Line drawing on pale green ground. Tang dynasty.
129   19      瓶 左右ニ耳付 定窯 宋
瓶 左右附耳朵 定窑 宋
Vase. With handles on both sides. Ding ware, Song dynasty.
Total 6 items


ⅡのB 紀州文化振興会所管品(紀州品=紀州図鑑掲載品)
Ⅱ—B 纪州文化振兴会所管品(纪州品=纪州图鉴记载品)
Ⅱ-B Ceramics under the supervision of Kishu Art & Culture Association
(Kishu Wares = Wares cited in the Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books)
品番     図経記載(一部省略)    紀州図鑑  品番
作品编号   图经记载(省略了一部分)  纪州图鉴  作品号
Item No. Description in the Volume No. of the Item No. of
Illustrated Text Kishu Illustrated the Kishu
(Omitted in partial) Ceramic Books Wares
23  壷 白地ニ圖 掻落 牡丹圖 北宋末       Ⅲ-12
壶 白地上有图 搔落 牡丹图 北宋末
Jar. Design on white ground. With sgraffito decoration and peony motif. Late Northern Song dynasty.
24  定州紅玉 瓶 定窯 北宋            Ⅲ-19
定州红玉 瓶 定窑 北宋
Dingzhou Ruby vase. Dingzhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
25  碗 定州紅玉 白イフチ             Ⅲ-20
碗 定州红玉 白边
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware. With White rim.
33  瓶 緑地ニ黒地ニ黒イ線 定窯 北宋       Ⅲ-10
瓶 绿地与黑地上是黑线 定窑 北宋
Vase. Green and black ground decorated with black lines. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
34  碗 ヤヤ青ミガカッタ白磁 定窯 北宋      Ⅲ-17
碗 略略带蓝色的白瓷 定窑 北宋
Bowl. Slightly bluish white porcelain. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
59  瓶 三彩 鳥花柄 江官屯窯 遼         Ⅲ- 8
瓶 三彩 鸟花纹 江官屯窑 辽
Vase. Three-color ware with bird and flower motif. Jiangguantun ware, Liao dynasty.
65  壷 群ジャフノ青ニ細カイ斑柄 鈞窯 北宋    Ⅲ-13
壶 群青色、蓝色细致花纹  钧窑 北宋
Jar. Tiny red splashes on cobalt-blue ground. Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
66  碗(鉢)空色ノヤフナ青ニ紅 鈞窯 北宋      Ⅲ― 3
碗(钵)天蓝色般的蓝与红色 钧窑 北宋
Bowl (basin). Decorated in turquoise blue with red splashes.
Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
67  壷 群ジャフ青ニ細カイ紅点多数 鈞窯 北宋   Ⅲ-14
壶 群青与诸多细致红点  钧窑 北宋
Jar. Lots of tiny red splashes on cobalt-blue ground.
Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
68  濃イ緑ガカッタ深イ青 龍泉窯 南宋       Ⅲ- 5
带有浓绿色的深蓝色  龙泉窑 南宋
Dark greenish deep blue. Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty.
85  九龍ガ波上ニ個々ニアル圖【釉裏紅青】      Ⅲ- 1
Motif of nine dragons on the waves. 【ware in underglaze red and blue】
86  壷 魚ノ圖ノモノハ・・コレハ絶品【釉裏紅青】  Ⅲ-30
壶 鱼图中是绝品【釉里红青】
Jar. Of the wares with fish motif ... this is a masterpiece
【ware in underglaze red and blue】
87  瓶 天目 磁州窯 北宋 茶ノ柄         Ⅲ- 9
瓶 天目 磁州窑 北宋 茶色花纹
Vase. Temmoku. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
Decorated in brown.
109  壷 黒色ノ葉ノ花圖柄 元 景徳鎮ノ窯      Ⅲ- 4
壶 黑色叶子与花纹  元 景德镇ノ窑
Jar. Motif of flower with black leaves. Yuan dynasty, Jingdezhen ware.
112  碗 底(地)模様 花柄 景徳鎮窯        Ⅲ-16
碗 地纹样 花纹 景德镇窑
Bowl. Decorated under glazed ground. Flower motif.
Jingdezhen ware.
113  瓶 緑ニ黒掻落 花柄 景徳鎮窯 金       Ⅲ-11
瓶 绿色与黑色搔落 花纹 景德镇窑 金
Vase. With sgraffito decoration, black glaze on white slip, over which green glaze applied. Flower motif. Jingdezhen ware, Jin dynasty.
114  瓶 透明感ノアル藍色ニ近イ 圖柄・・北宋    Ⅲ-28
瓶 近似于透明的蓝色 图纹・・北宋
Vase. Close to transparent deep blue. Motif of.... Northern Song dynasty.
116  瓶 紫ノ入ッタヤフナ青(濃) 景徳鎮 金    Ⅲ- 6
瓶 带有紫色般的蓝色(浓) 景德镇 金
Vase. (Deep) blue mixed with purple hue. Jingdezhen ware,
Jin dynasty.
117  詳シイ台帳ガナシ【瑠璃釉】           Ⅲ- 7
No detailed ledgers. 【ware in cobalt-blue glaze】
136  瓶 瓢箪型 紅イ色ノ圖(花柄) 景徳鎮窯 元   Ⅲ-37
瓶 葫芦型 红色的图案(花纹) 景德镇窑 元
Vase. Gourd-shaped porcelain. Decoration in red (flower motif). Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
138  皿 白地ノ紅ノ柄【釉裏紅】景徳鎮窯 元末    Ⅲ-38
皿 白地的红色花纹【釉里红】景德镇窑 元末
Plate. Decoration in red on white ground.【ware in underglaze red】Jingdezhen ware, late Yuan dynasty.

140  壷 【釉裏紅】景徳鎮窯 元           Ⅲ-40
壶 【釉里红】景德镇窑 元
Jar. 【ware in underglaze red】Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
148  瓶 紅色ノ波 龍ガ踊ル圖 明(元カラ)     Ⅲ-41
瓶 红色花纹 龙跃图 明(元形)
Vase. Red waves. Motif of dancing dragons. Ming or (Yuan) dynasty.
150  水指 蓋付 白地ニ藍色ノ鳥ヤ花ノ圖       Ⅲ-42
水罐 带有盖子 白地上有蓝色的花鸟图
Fresh water jar with cover. Motif of bird and flower in deep blue on white ground.
156  皿 濃イ藍色地 裏ニ至正十年 景徳鎮 元    Ⅲ-34
皿 浓蓝地 地面印有至正十年字样 景德镇窑 元
Plate. Deep blue ground. Reign mark of the 10th year of Zhizheng period on the base. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
160  【瓶 釉裏紅】口 鳥ノ圖 實物大        Ⅲ-21
【瓶 釉里红】口 鸟图 实物大小
【Vase in underglaze red】Motif of bird. Illustrated in full-scale.
162  瓶蓋付 白地ニ藍色ノ細カイ 景徳鎮窯 元    Ⅲ-24
附有瓶盖 白地上是蓝色细腻花纹 景德镇窑 元
Covered vase. On white ground with tiny deep blue ...
Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
164  瓶 中心ニ龍ノ柄ガ凸ニナッテ 景徳鎮窯 元   Ⅲ-25
瓶 中心有凸起的龙纹 景德镇窑 元
Vase. Decorated with relief of dragon in the center…, Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
〔166-2〕瓢箪瓶 マタ色ノ違フモノ 景徳鎮窯 元
葫芦瓶 盖子的颜色不一致 景德镇窑 元
Gourd-shaped vase. Another vase in different color… Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
170  瓶 耳付 景徳鎮窯 元 青ノ波ノ圖 紅葉柄   Ⅲ-26
瓶 带有耳朵 景德镇窑 元 蓝色波纹图 红叶花纹
Vase. With handles. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty. Decoration of blue waves with autumn color leaf motif.
172  瓶 青色ガ(群青色)ガ濃ク重イ様子 景徳鎮 元  Ⅲ-27
瓶 蓝色(群青色)花纹浓重 景德镇 元
Vase. Blue (cobalt-blue) color looks deep and heavy. Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
176  皿 紅イ地ニ白、青ノ鳥ヤ花ノ圖 景徳鎮窯 元  Ⅲ-21
皿 红地上有白色、蓝色的鸟图和花图 景德镇窑 元
Plate. White decoration on red ground. Motif of blue bird and flower. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
181  瓶 蓋付 白地ニ藍色ノ繪【鳳首瓶】       Ⅲ-32
瓶 带有盖子 白地上是蓝色的花纹【凤首瓶】
Vase with cover. Decoration in deep blue on white ground. 【phoenix-head-shaped vase 】
184  皿 青磁 緑ガ自然ノ松葉ノヤフナ 景徳鎮窯 元 Ⅲ-36
皿 青瓷 自然的绿色松叶般的花纹 景德镇窑 元
Celadon plate. Green color looks like pine needles in nature. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
189  壷 コノ紅ノ圖柄ノ壷ヤ瓢箪ヤ瓶 景徳鎮窯    Ⅱ- 1
壶 红色图案的壶和葫芦以及瓶 景德镇窑
Jar. … jar with such motif in red, gourd or vase … Jingdezhen ware.
192  瓶 良品ノ赤繪ニテ人物、風景・・萬暦記 明   Ⅱ-36
瓶 赤绘人物图中的、风景・・万历记 明
Vase. Fine aka-e enameled vase with motif of figure, landscape ... Wanli mark and period, Ming dynasty
193  壷【孔雀釉】コレハ蔵ノ中ノ別ノ棚ノ奥に・・元  Ⅲ-15
Jar. 【ware with peacock blue glaze】This was in the back of another shelf in the warehouse .... Yuan dynasty.
199  瓶 赤色ガ良品 景徳鎮窯 明 龍圖       Ⅱ-24
瓶 红色中的佳品 景德镇窑 明 龙图
Vase. Fine ware for its red color. Jingdezhen ware, Ming dynasty. Dragon motif.
202  壷 蓋付 嘉靖記 景徳鎮窯 明 人物      Ⅱ-22
壶 附有盖子 嘉靖记 景德镇窑 明 人物
Jar with cover. Jiajing mark and period. Jingdezhen ware, Ming dynasty. Figure motif.
※206 皿 多数ノ色ノ龍 鳳凰 花ナドノ柄 成化記   Ⅲ-53
皿 多种颜色的龙 凤凰 花纹等 成化记
Plate. Motif of dragon, phoenix and flower in various colors. Chenghua mark and period.
209  碗 白地 緑色の龍ノ圖柄 弘治記        Ⅱ-17
碗 白地 绿色的龙的图案 弘治记
Bowl. Motif of green dragons on white ground. Hongzhi mark and period.
211  壷 黄地 茶色ナド 数種ノ柄 景徳鎮 明    Ⅱ-16
壶 黄地 茶色等数种花纹 景德镇 明
Jar. Yellow ground. Several motifs in brown or other colors. Jingdezhen ware, Ming dynasty.
218  壷 四耳付 白地ニ藍ノ圖柄 万(萬暦)記 明   Ⅱ-42
壶 附有四耳 白地上是蓝色花纹 万(万历)记 明
Jar with four handles. Deep blue decoration on white ground.
Wanli mark and period, Ming dynasty.
223  壷 赤ノ色ガ良品 鳥ノ圖ニテ品ガ良イ 天啓記明 Ⅱ―34
壶 红色中的佳品 鸟图 品质优良 天启记明
Jar. Fine ware for its red color. With elegant bird design. Tianqi reign mark and period, Ming dynasty.
227  壷 蓋付 黒地ニ緑 薄緑ナドノ圖 乾隆 清   Ⅲ-48
壶 附有盖子 黑地上有绿色、淡绿色等的图案 乾隆 清
Jar with cover. Decorated in green on black ground. Motif in light pale green and other colors. Qianlong period, Qing dynasty.
229  壷 蓋付 黒地ニ金襴ヲ使イ洋花ヲ描イタモノ   Ⅱ-47
壶 附有盖子 黑地绘有金襕的西式花纹
Jar with cover. Decorated with Western flowers in enamels and gold (Kinran-de type) on black ground.
230  壷 コレハ蓋付ノモノガ他ニモ 法花 山西窯 明 Ⅱ-10
壶 这件还有其他附有盖子的 法花 山西窑 明
Jar. There is another jar with cover. Fuhua type. Shanxi Province ware, Ming dynasty.
234  薄目ノ赤一色(白地)ノ圖  乾隆 清       Ⅲ-64
      薄薄的纯红色(白地)图  乾隆 清 
Decorated all in pale red (on white ground). Qianlong period, Qing dynasty.
235  壷 鳳凰ト龍ガ向イ合ッテヲル 嘉靖記 明    Ⅱ-22
      壶 凤凰与龙相对】 嘉靖记 明
Jar. Motif of dragon and phoenix facing each other.
Jiajing mark and period, Ming dynasty.
236  皿 龍ト人物ガ羅漢? 波ト(龍) 雲ノ 雍正 明 Ⅲ-62
      皿 龙与人物,人物是罗汉?波浪与(龙)云 雍正 明
Plate. With dragon and figures (Arhat?) design. Waves and (dragon)…clouds. Yongzheng period, Qing dynasty.
Total 50 items

①The existing ware of Item No. 140 is an imitation, however, I included it here, II Semi-publicized Ceramics, because it is certain that the corresponding ware listed in the Illustrated Text was an original ware.
②I determined that the items No. 166-2 and No. 166 are different items although
they have the same item No. in the Illustrated Text because the former seems an
imitation ware, of which color is different from the original, made in the early Qing
③The item No. ※206 is considered to be an imitation which is different from the original in respect of the mark and period and the period of manufacture.
④ The Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books means the “Illustrated Books on the Ceramics supervised by Kishu Art & Culture Association” published by Toko-Shoin. They consist of four volumes, of which Volumes II and III deal with Chinese Ceramics. As the book title shows, it carries ceramics owned or supervised by Kishu Art & Culture Association or Kishu Bunka Shinko-kai (hereafter “Kibun-kai”).

              半公開品合計 56点
            半公开品合计 56件
Semi-publicized Ceramics 56 items

Ⅲ 未公開品(「図経品」のうち、世間に出て来ていない品)
  Ⅲ 未公开品(「图经品」中未曾向社会公开的作品)
  Ⅲ Non-publicized Ceramics (i.e., of the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text, ceramics never disclosed to the public in the past)
   品番      「図経」の記載(一部略記)
作品号     「图经」的记载(省略了一部分)
Item No. Description in the Illustrated Text (simplified in part)
26      碗 定州紅玉
碗 定州红玉
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware.
27      碗 定州紅玉 白いフチ
碗 定州红玉 白边
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware. With white rim.
28      碗 定州紅玉 白いフチ
碗 定州红玉 白边
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware. With white rim.
29      瓶 緑色圖ニ水鳥(アヒル、鴨)  定窯 北宋
瓶 绿色图上附有水鸟(鸭子)   定窑 北宋
Vase. Decorated in green with waterfowl (domestic and wild ducks) design. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
30      碗 定州紅玉 定州 北宋
碗 定州红玉 定州 北宋
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware. Dingzhou, Northern Song dynasty.
31      碗 定州紅玉 定州 北宋 皇帝ノ特別ナル儀ノ器
碗 定州红玉 定州 北宋 皇帝所用的特别仪礼用品
Bowl. Dingzhou Ruby ware. Dingzhou, Northern Song dynasty. Ware used for emperor’s special ceremonies.
32      碗 白磁 線ガヤヤ凸 定窯 北宋
碗 白瓷 线稍稍凸出 定窑 北宋
White porcelain bowl. Lines are sort of raised. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
38      ホラ貝ノヤフナ杯   定窯 五代
海螺形状之杯   定窑 五代
Cup like a conch shell. Ding ware, Five Dynasties period.
41      碗 白磁 地模様 北宋 定窯
碗 白瓷 地花纹 北宋 定窑
White porcelain bowl. Decorated under white glaze. Ding ware, Northern Song dynasty.
42      同上
Same as above.
54      建窯 前ノ頁ノ圖【油滴】同様
建窑 与前页所载图案中的【油滴】相同
Cizhou ware. Same as the illustration in the previous page 【Oil-spot temmoku】.
55      建窯ノ油滴ノ天目
Oil-spot temmoku, Jian ware.
56      花ノ模様モ多ク・・・建窯 天目ノヤフニ地ガ黒
花纹的图样很多・・・建窑 如天目一般,地为黑色
Design of many flowers ... , Jian ware. Black ground like temmoku.
61      蓋付碗 青磁無地 龍泉窯 南宋
附有盖子的碗 青瓷无地 龙泉窑 南宋
Bowl with cover. Celadon ware with no design. Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty
63      (梅)瓶 青磁 花ノアル唐草圖 龍泉窯 南宋
(梅)瓶 青瓷 有花纹的唐草图 龙泉窑 南宋
(Meiping) vase. Celadon ware. Floral-scroll design. Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty.
64      (長頚)瓶 青磁 菊花ノヤフナ唐草 龍泉窯 南宋
(長颈瓶)瓷 菊花般的唐草 龙泉窑 南宋
(Long-necked) vase. Celadon ware. Design of floral-scroll like chrysanthemum. Longquan ware, Southern Song dynasty.
88      瓶(同上 天目 磁州窯 北宋)
瓶(同上 天目 磁州窑 北宋)
Vase (same as above. temmoku. Cizhou-ware, Northern Song dynasty).
93      碗 天目 建窯 南宋 窯変ノ例トシテ 地ガ黒・・
碗 天目 建窑 南宋 作为窑变的一例 地为黑色・・
Bowl. Temmoku. Jian ware. Southern Song dynasty.
As an example of discoloration, surface is in black ...
115      壷 藍ノ色ハ先ノモノ【孔雀釉】ト同ヂ 景徳鎮窯 北宋
壶 蓝色 与之前的【孔雀釉】相同 景德镇窑 北宋
Jar. Deep blue color is the same as the【ware with peacock blue glaze】illustrated in the previous page. Jingdezhen ware, Northern Song dynasty
118      枕 黒色 紋ノヤフナ柄 白抜 北宋 定窯
枕 黑色 花纹样式 白色花纹 北宋 定窑
Pillow. Black color. Emblem-like design, of which inside reserved in white. Northern Song dynasty, Ding ware.
122      瓶 白地 無地 宋
瓶 白地 无地 宋
Vase. White ground. With no design. Song dynasty.
123      碗 古イ赤繪ノ碗 唐
碗 旧红色图画的碗 唐
Bowl. Old aka-e enameled bowl. Tang dynasty.
126      瓶 淡イ緑ノ地ニ線ノ圖  唐
瓶 淡绿色地上有线绘图  唐
Vase. Line drawing on pale green ground. Tang dynasty.
127      瓶 金物ノ蓋付 青磁 凹凸(浮ボリトイフ)宋ノ終リノ頃
瓶 附带有金属制作成的盖子 青瓷 凹凸(浮雕)宋末时期
Vase with hardware lid. Celadon porcelain. Concavo-convex (so-called relief) ware. Late Song dynasty.
128      碗 青白磁 宋ノ終リ・・・金ニ近イ黄ノフチ
碗 青白瓷 宋末・・・接近于金色的黄边
Bowl. Qingbai porcelain. Late Song dynasty… With rim in yellow (close to gold).
130      【129定窯 宋と同手で】 ヤヤ形違イノ瓶
【129定窑 与宋同样】 瓶子的形状略有不同
[Same style as the ware of Item No. 129 (Ding ware, Song dynasty)]. Sort of different shaped vase.
131      瓶 赤茶ノ土ノママノヤフナ 無地ニ見ヘル天目 遼
瓶 红茶色的土的原样的般的、看似无地的天目 辽
Vase. Looks like reddish-brown clod color. With no design. Liao dynasty.
132      瓶 緑色ノ地ニ牡丹ノ柄  磁州窯 北宋
瓶 绿色地上牡丹花纹  磁州窑 北宋
Vase. Peony design on green ground. Cizhou ware, Northern Song dynasty.
133      瓶 白地ノ無地 北宋   【青磁】
瓶 白地无地 北宋   【青瓷】
Vase. White ground with no design. Northern Song dynasty. [Celadon ware].
133-2    前頁ノ物【133】ガヤヤ横ニ広ガッテイル
Ware which extends transversally a little more than the vase illustrated in the previous page [Item No.133].
134      碗 天目 【外】黒の無地  【内】窯変ノ様子 北宋
碗 天目 【外】黑色无地  【内】窑变的花纹 北宋
Bowl. Temmoku. [outside] Black ground with no design. [inside] Sign of the discoloration. Northern Song dynasty.
137      碗 景徳鎮 元【釉裏紅鉢】
碗 景德镇 元【釉里红钵】
Bowl. Jingdezhen. Yuan dynasty. [bowl in underglaze red]
141      瓶 景徳鎮 元 【乳白色の盤口瓶】
瓶 景德镇 元 【乳白色的盘口瓶】
Vase. Jingdezhen. Yuan dynasty. [milky-white vase with wide-mouth on top]
142      瓶 白色ノ(ヤヤ曇ッタ)瓶  元 景徳鎮
瓶 白色的(略略带阴影)瓶  元 景德镇
Vase. White (a little gray) vase. Yuan dynasty. Jingdezhen.
143      瓶 (先頁ノ物ト同ヂ) 景徳鎮 元
瓶 (与前页所载之物相同) 景德镇 元
Vase. (Same as the ware illustrated in the previous page). Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
147      瓶 白地ニ囲イヲ描イテ花ヤ波柄ノ圖 景徳鎮窯 元
瓶 围绕着白地绘有花与波浪纹的图案 景德镇窑 元
Vase. Design of flower and wave decorated inside framed area on white ground. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
149      壷 【釉裏紅の】紅色ノ龍ノ圖  景徳鎮 元カラ明
壶 【釉里红的】红色的龙图  景德镇 由元至明
Vase. Motif of red dragon [in underglaze red]. Jingdezhen, Yuan or Ming dynasty
151      水指 白地ニ青ノ圖柄 景徳鎮 元
水罐 白地上有蓝色花纹 景德镇 元
Fresh water jar. Decorated in blue on white ground. Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
157      瓶 白色(乳白色)ノ無地 景徳鎮 元
瓶 白色(乳白色)的无地 景德镇 元
Vase. White (milky-white) ground with no design. Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
158      壷 四耳付 青磁 凸凹形唐草柄 龍泉窯 元
壶 附有四耳 青瓷 凸凹形唐草柄 龙泉窑 元
Jar with four handles. Celadon ware. Design of concavo-convex floral-scroll. Longquan ware, Yuan dynasty.
159      瓶 白地ニ青色ノ圖柄 景徳鎮窯 元
瓶 白地上有蓝色图案 景德镇窑 元
Vase. Decorated in blue on white ground. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
165      瓶 藍色ニテ白地ニ繪ガ描イテアル 景徳鎮 元
瓶 蓝色白地上绘有图案 景德镇 元
Vase. Decorated in deep blue on white ground. Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
177      同上【紅漆地青花】コレラハ對ノモノデ・・【景徳鎮 元】
同上【红漆地青花】这是成对的物品・・【景德镇 元】
Same as above Item No. 176. [Blue-and-white ware with red lacquered ground] This paird wares ... [Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty]
179      瓶 先ノ頁【青花海馬図大盤】ト同ヂ圖 景徳鎮窯 元
瓶 与前页【青花海马图大盘】相同的图 景德镇窑 元
Vase. Same design as illustrated in the previous page [Large blue-and-white plate with motif of prancing qilin (mythical animal)]. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
180      皿 白地ニ黒色ノ繪【釉裏黒】景徳鎮窯 元
皿 白地上有黑色图画【釉里黑】景德镇窑 元
Plate. With design in black on white ground. [ware in underglaze black] Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
183      水指 蓋付【釉裏紅】 景徳鎮窯 元
水罐 附有盖子【釉里红】 景德镇窑 元
Fresh water jar with lid. [ware in underglaze red] Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
185      皿 前ノ物【景徳鎮の倣古青磁】ト同ヂ・・景徳鎮 元
皿 前物【景德镇的仿古青瓷】同样・・景德镇 元
Plate. Same as the ware illustrated in the previous page [imitated celadon plate produced in Jingdezhen ware]… Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
187      瓶 先頁【鈞窯月白紅斑瓶】と・・・鈞窯 北宋
瓶 前页【均瑶月白红斑瓶】・・・均窑 北宋
Vase. Like the ware illustrated in the previous page [Celadon vase in opaque bluish glaze with purple splashes, Jun ware]… Jun ware, Northern Song dynasty.
188      瓶 紅イ瓢箪型 圖柄ガ紅(鉄色ノ)  景徳鎮 元
瓶 红色葫芦形 图案为红色(铁青色) 景德镇 元
Vase. Red gourd-shaped ware. With motif in red (iron color) . Jingdezhen, Yuan dynasty.
191      皿 先ノ頁ノモノ【瑠璃釉】ノ反對ノ圖 景徳鎮窯 元
皿 与前页所绘的【瑠璃釉】相反的图案 景德镇窑 元
Plate. With design in contrast to the ware illustrated in the previous page [ware in cobalt-blue glaze]. Jingdezhen ware, Yuan dynasty.
194      壷 蓋付 金魚ノ圖柄 赤絵 嘉靖記アリ 景徳鎮 明
壶 附有盖子 金鱼的图案 红色图案 嘉靖记中有记载
景德镇 明
Jar with cover. Goldfish motif. Aka-e enameled ware. Jiajing mark and period. Jingdezhen, Ming dynasty.
195      皿 白地ニ青ノ鳥 風景ノ圖柄 景徳鎮 明
皿 白地上有蓝色的鸟 风景的图案 景德镇 明
Plate. Blue birds on white ground. Landscape motif. Jingdezhen, Ming dynasty.
197      皿 白地青色 植木鉢ト柿ノ木ノ圖 景徳鎮 明
皿 白地蓝色 花盆与柿子树图案 景德镇 明
Plate. Decorated in blue on white ground. Motif of flower pot and persimmon. Jingdezhen, Ming dynasty.
212      合子 色ノ良イ赤繪 萬暦記 明
盒子 颜色上佳的红色图案 万历记 明
Coverred box. Aka-e enameled ware in fine colors. Wanli mark and period, Ming dynasty.
219      皿 深皿 黄地 果實ヤ花ノ圖 雍正記有 清
皿 深皿 黄地 果实与花图 雍正记有 清
Plate. Deep plate. Yellow ground. Motif of fruit and flower. Yongzheng mark and period, Qing dynasty.
228      瓶 瓢箪型 上(口)ガ金物 乾隆記 清
瓶 葫芦型 上(口)为金属所制 乾隆记 清
Vase. Gourd-shaped ware. With hardware mouth. Qianlong mark and period, Qing dynasty.
232      瓶 居仁堂記
瓶 居仁堂记
Vase. Jurentang (居仁堂) mark.
233      壷 黄色地ニ数種ノ色ノ圖 龍
壷 黄色地上绘有数种颜色的图 龙
Jar. Decorated in several colors on yellow ground. Dragon motif.
237      碗 蓮ノ圖(花ト葉) 雍正記 清
碗 莲花图(花与叶) 雍正记 清
Bowl. Lotus motif (flower and leaf). Yongzheng mark and period, Qing dynasty.
238      瓶 水指 赤ノ図柄【釉裏紅】景徳鎮 明
瓶 水罐 红色图案【釉里红】景德镇 明
Fresh water vase. Red decoration. [ware in underglaze red] Jingdezhen, Ming dynasty.
241      壷 【景徳鎮窯業図】乾隆 清
壶 【景德镇窑业图】乾隆 清
Jar. [motif of scene of porcelain production in Jingdezhen] Qianlong period, Qing dynasty.

Total 62 items

Notes:① Since the items of Nos. 133 and 133-2 are different wares, I counted each of them as one item.
② Since another piece of the paird Item No. 191 is listed in the Illustrated Text, I included this item here (i.e. III Non-publicized Ceramics) .

             未公開品合計 61点
未公开品合计 61件
Total Non-publicized Ceramics 61 items

      「狭義の図経品」 合計243点
「狭义的图经品」 合计243件
Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text
Total 243 items

Classification of the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text

      Ⅰ.公開品        126点
Publicized Ceramics 126 items
           佐藤本品            118点
Ceramics cited in the Sato Book 118 items
           他の陶磁書単独品          8点
Ceramics cited only in other books than the Sato Book 8 items
          (うち展示公開品          78点)
(Out of the above, exhibited Publicized Ceramics
78 items)
          (匿名公開品            48点)
(Publicized Ceramics under anonymity 48 items)

      Ⅱ.半公開品        56点
Semi-Publicized Ceramics 56 items
           上田品               6点
Wares owned by Kyosuke Ueda 6 items
紀州品              50点
Kishu Wares 50 items

      Ⅲ.未公開品        61点
Non-publicized Ceramics 61 items
未公開品                61点
Non-publicized Ceramics 61 items

「狭義の図経品」計  243点(133と166を各2点とした)
「狭义的图经品」计  243件(133和166各作为2件)
Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text
Total 243 items (Item Nos. 133 and 136 are counted as two items each.)
「逸失図経品」 推定 179点
「遗失的图经品」推定 179件
Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text
179 items at estimate
「広義の図経品」合計 422点(上記理由で2点増やした)
「广义的图经品」合计 422件(因为上述的理由而增加2件)
Ceramics Listed in the Complete Illustrated Text Total 422 items
(Because of the above reason, two items are added to the total.)

推計値  公開品に潜在する「逸失品」の推定数  93点
推定量  在公开品中的「遗失品」的推定数   93件
Estimated number Estimated number of the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text which are latently included in the Publicized Ceramics
93 items
     佐藤本に潜在する推定数      87点
在佐藤本中潜在的推定数      87件
Estimated number of the ceramics latently included in the Sato Book 87 items
    (うち匿名品に潜在する推定数    47点)
(其中匿名品中潜在的推定数     47件)
(Out of the above, estimated number of the ceramics latently included in the Publicized Ceramics under Anonymity 47 items)
他の陶磁書に潜在する推定数     6点
在其他陶瓷书中潜在的推定数     6件
Estimated number of the ceramics latently included in other books than the Sato Book 6 items

   半公開品に潜在する「逸失品」の推定数  41点
半公开品中潜在的「遗失品」的推定数  41件
Estimated number of the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text which are latently included in the Semi-Publicized Ceramics 41 items
上田本に潜在する推定数        4点
上田本中潜在推定数        4件
Estimated number of the ceramics latently included in the Ueda Book 4 items
紀州品に潜在する推定数       37点
纪州品中潜在的推定数        37件
Estimated number of the ceramics latently included in the Kishu Wares 37 items

   未公開品に潜在する「逸失品」の推定数  45点
未公开品中潜在的「遗失品」的推定数  45件
Estimated number of the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete
Illustrated Text which are latently included in the Non-publicized Ceramics 45 items

          「逸失品」合計     179点
「遗失品」合计     179件
Total number of the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text 179 items

Based upon the above result, we can get the estimates shown below with regard to the Ceramics listed in the Complete Illustrated Text.

             118+87           205点
   Estimated number of the ceramics cited in the Sato Book 205 items
Estimated number of the ceramics cited in other books than the Sato Book
               8+6             14点
8 + 6 14 items
Estimated number of the ceramics included in the Kishu Wares
              50+37            87点
50 + 37 87 items

Estimated number of the ceramics included in the wares owned by Kyosuke Ueda
               6+4             10点
6 +4 10 items

              61+45           106点
Estimated number of the ceramics included in the Non-publicized Ceramics
61 +45 106 items


2. “Chinese Ceramics, A Short History” written by Masahiko Sato and the Publicized Ceramics under Anonymity
Above is the summary of the 243 items of the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text. This accounts for 57.6% of the 422 items (the estimated number of the Ceramics Listed in the Complete Illustrated Text), of which items are cosisted of the Fentian Antique Ceramics excluding Tang three-color wares. It was in the summer of 1920 when Yajiro Kishi, chief of secret military agency in Fentian, determined to move them to Japan. Out of those 243 items, 126 items (52%) are cited in the recently published ceramic books as the so-called Publicized Ceramics. Hence, more than 50% of the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text are openly disclosed to the public. Out of the 126 items, 118 items are cited in the Sato Book while only 8 items in other books. In other words, the Sato Book stands out by far from other ceramic books in this respect.

978年初版)とその英語版『Chinese Ceramics』(1981初版)で、その掲載品と「図
年版)以及英文版《Chinese Ceramics》(1981初版)中记载的作品和「图经品」极其一致、
The Sato Book refers to the book entitled “Chinese Ceramics, A Short History” written by Masahiko Sato, professor of Kyoto City University of Arts, which was first published by Heibonsha, Tokyo in 1978, with its English edition entitled “Chinese Ceramics” first published in 1981. The fact that the ceramics cited in the Sato Book correspond to the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text in quite a lot of cases is so meaningful that we can never miss it. As the way of ceramic books, wares cited in a ceramic book are often referred to in other ceramic books. Likewise, the ceramics cited in the Sato Book are also referred to in other books. However, the ratio of the total items of the ceramics cited in the Sato Book to the total items of the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text stands out from other ceramic books. In this respect, the Sato Book is totally different from so many other ceramic books.

In the Sato Book, there are 396 ceramic pictures in total, of which 81 are in color and 315 are in black and white. However, it includes 24 items of excavated ceramics (2 items are excluded from 26 items of purportedly excavated ceramics because of doubtful provenance) as well as 1 ceramic shards picture. Thus, when we deduct 25 items from the said 396 items, we reach to conclusion that 371 is the fair number of pictures cited in the Sato Book. Now, I recommend that you first keep in mind that 118 ceramic pictures out of 371 ones in the Sato Book correspond to the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text.

As mentioned above, the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text covers only 57.9% of the Ceramics Listed in the Complete Illustrated Text. The real pictures of the remaining uncovered 179 items are still unclear as the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text. However, it is very natural that some of them slip into the Publicized Ceramics and the estimated number of such items is 93 as mentioned earlier. It is no doubt that they are also included in the ceramics cited in the Sato Book and the number of such included ceramics is considered to be 87 (93×0.937=87.1), calculated based upon the ratio of the Publicized Ceramics cited in the Sato Book to the Publicized Ceramics (118÷126=0.937).

The above explains the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text which are considered to be latently included in the Sato Book. Adding the said 87 items to the 118 items whch we already confirmed earlier, it will be 205 items and covers 55% of the ceramic pictures contained in the Sato Book (205÷371≒0.552). In other words, more than half of the ceramics cited in the Sato Book can be presumed to be outflown from the Ceramics Listed in the Complete Illustrated Text (hereafter, Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text). It surely can be said that the Sato Book depends on the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text.

さない個人蔵品(Private Collection =匿名品)がかなりの割合を占めていることで
Collection =匿名品)占据了相当的比重。371件记录品中的达到了185件之多。虽然
Other ceramic books also share such fundamental characteristic because a ceramic book in this world is edited by reprinting photos of the Publicized Ceramics (i.e., fine ceramic collection of museums), most of which are the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text. However, the Sato Book has remarkable characteristic which other ceramic books do not have. It is that the Sato Book has a higher proportion of private collections, i.e., ceramics owned by individuals who do not reveal their real names. As a matter of fact, out of the 371 items of ceramics cited in the Sato Book, 185 items are from private collections. Although some of them are overlapped with other ceramic books, it is very unusual as a ceramic book that a half of the ceramics cited therein are made up of private collections and I wonder how Mr. Sato obtained photos of such private collections. In an ordinary case, Mr. Sato, after having detected somehow the existence of the collectors unknown to the public, should have visited them one by one to ask for the honor of meeting with them and pick up the real ceramics by his hands to determine by himself which kilns fired the ceramics. Moreover, at such meetings, he also should have obtained permission from the collectors to release only photos on the condition of anonymity. However, it is vey unimaginable that such things actually happened.

The Sato Book has 185 items of private collections of which 85 items were determined to be the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text. The Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text are not limited to these 85 items and it is estimated that another 48 items slip into the private collections cited in the Sato Book calculated based upon the ratio of the Ceramics Listed in the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text to the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text (65×179÷243≒48). Adding these 48 items to the said 65 items, the total items of the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text will be 113. As a result, about 60% of private collections cited in the Sato Book is presumed to be the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text (113÷185≒0.61).

Only a very few private collectors have such ceramic masterpieces as are worthy to be cited in ceramic books. If an antique ceramic researcher could happen to meet such colletors, it would be more than lucky for him. Actually, it would be impossible that such lucky continues to happen 113 times. However, that is the case applicable when private collectors are scattered around here and there on the average. On the contrary, if only a few persons or groups secretly have been collecting such ceramics, it would be very possible to meet with such a case subject to the relationship between the antique ceramic researcher and private collectors. The fact that estimated 61% of private collections cited in the Sato Book come from the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text indicates that Mr. Sato had been closely related to a specific person or group who had been collecting the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text for a long time.

I already clarified in My Book that it was Shinzo Sato, father of Masahiko Sato, and his antique ceramic merchant peers, who let Masahiko Sato meet with the specific private collectors. I also described in the Chapter IV of My Book about the background how Masahiko Sato developed his understandings on the antique ceramics and became famous as a ceramic scholar by comparing the Lost Volumes of the Complete Illustrated Text and the Collaborative Illustrations with the private collections of the specific private collectors.


3. 纪州文化振兴会所藏品和上田品
3. “Ceramics under the supervision of Kishu Art & Culture Association” and the wares owned by kyosuke Ueda

What supports the research on the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text more than the ceramics cited in the Sato Book is the ceramics under the supervision of Kishu Art & Culture Association (hereafter, Kishu Ceramics), of which 50 items are the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text and account for 21% of the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text.

The Kishu Ceramics were stashed away by a person related to the Kii House of Tokugawa until 1989 and then transferred to Kishu Art & Culture Association or Kishu Bunka Shinko-kai (hereafter, Kibun-kai) in the same year. The Kishu Ceramics became known to the public triggered by the Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books (紀州図鑑) published in 1991 and a special exhibition held by Kishiwada City, Osaka, Japan in 1992. However, antique ceramic world has been ignoring them by rejecting to investigate into them. As such, the Kishu Ceramics still remains under seal and unfortunately we have to call them the Semi-Publicized Ceramics.

The Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text cited in the Sato Book are all originals. This is natural in a sense because only the original ceramics have been trated as the Publicized Ceramics according to the academic world of antique ceramics. However, most of the Kishu Ceramics are unable to make quick decision on whether they are originals or not. Compared to the Publicized Ceramics, their workmanship is very elaborate and this gives an impression, or rather a feeling of strangeness, that it is hardly imagine they were actually made in the same period as the contemporaneous Publicized Ceramics.

So far, researchers having seen the Kishu Ceramics pointed out followings:

First: Compared to the Publicized Ceramics having the characteristics of ceramic style when they were made, the workmanship of the Kishu Ceramics having the same characteristics is far excellent. If both of them were really made in the same period, then those Kishu Ceramics should have been made not in the official kilns in general but in the “Emperor Kilns (御窑)” which were run separately from the official kilns.
Second: It is known by record that the three emperors in the early Qing dynasty made ceramic imitations regardless of expense, and also there exist examples of such imitations. Among such imitations, there are imitations made in the Emperor Kilns which were hidden in Fengtian.

I myself have been researched by investigating into actual ceramics of the Kishu Ceramics more than a decade and it seems to me that the first point is agreeable and the second point hits the nail on the head. After all, I think that both points are correct.

Judging from the background of the Publicized Ceramics, the ceramics which the Qianlong emperor hided in the North Mausoleum in Fengtian included i) many antique ceramics made during the periods of the Tang dynasty, Five Dynasties, Song and Yuan dynasty in addition to ancient ceramics made in and before the Tang dynasty, ii) many ceramics fired in official kilns of the Ming dynasty and iii) ceramics fired in the official kilns during the period of the three emperors in the early Qing dynasty. Those were the original ceramics made during each of the said period; however, it is certain that, in addition to the above antique ceramics, there were lots of special imitations produced in the Emperor Kilns during the said three emperors in the early Qing dynasty from the background of the Kishu Ceramics.


Recently, the list of the ceramics housed in the Fengtian Palace at the time of the Xinhai Revolution was found from the archives on the Japanese Foreign Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. I wrote a summarized story about this in My Book. The list shows that there were few antique ceramics made before the Ming dynasty and most of the ceramics were of poor quality that they are not even worthy to count. A majority of the listed ceramics, which exceed 100,000 items that were housed in the Fengtian Palace, are the ceramics made during the three emperors in the early Qing dynasty. They include lots of imitations,however, it is supposed that all of them carry reign marks and periods on them.

Judging from this, I presume that the Qianlong emperor decided to hide all of the antique ceramics made before the Ming dynasty as a rule and it is supposed that he moved all such antique ceramics to the North Mausoleum in Fengtian except those decorated the Forbidden City or the Chengde Mountain Resort. As to the ceramics made in the early Qing dynasty, I think that the spare ceramics not housed in the Forbidden City or the Chengde Mountain Resort were kept in the ceramic warehouses in Fengtian Palace and such imitated ceramics fired in the Emperor Kilns during the early Qing dynasty which had the special meaning to the Qianlong emperor were kept strictly confidential, including even their existence, and hidden in the North Mausoleum in Fengtian. By the special meaning, I mean that “the Manchu, by their own project, succeeded in producing imitations of high quality beyond the original antique ceramics which had been the symblol of pride of the Han. In this respect, such special imitations made in the Emperor Kilns exactly had the meaning as the Regalia of the Manchurian emperors.”

I think that the six ware items, which are in the possession of Kyosuke Ueda and cited in his book entitled “Historical Research on Chinese Ceramics”, should be included in the Semi-Publicized Ceramics in addition to the Kishu Ceramics. I wrote about Kyousuke Ueda in My Book in details and I presume that such six items were probably given out to him by Otani Kozui, the 22nd Abbot of the Nishi Honganji sub-sect of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in Kyoto, Japan, as rewards for having made a successful deal with the Kii House of Tokugawa.
In the meantime, the Non-Publicized Ceramics refer to the ceramics, among the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text, whose whereabouts are currently unknown or which I did not detect their existence despite the citation of them in published ceramic books. The Non- Publicized Ceramics total 61 items and account for 25% of the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text.


4. Otani Kozui and the kilns run by the South Manchuria Railway Company

The Qianlong emperor’s intention had been handed down through the mainstream of Aisin-Gioro clan to Prince Chun, who lived in the late Qing dynasty, and then imparted to Tatsukichiro Horikawa in 1912 together with the Fengtian Antique Ceramics. What the Abbot Kouzui Otani did upon hearing this from Tatsukichiro was two actions as follows:

Note: I described about Prince Chun, Tatsukichiro Horikawa and the Abbot Kozui Otani in detail in My Book.

First, it was to produce imitation ceramics by the Japanese as the three emperors in the early Qing dynasty did. The Abbot Kozui ordered his subordinate, Kyosuke Ueda, to research on antique ceramics and in 1917 he selected Shinobu Komori from his disciples at the Honganji Temple to make Komori try to secretly produce the imitations of the Fentian Antique Ceramics in the kilns of the South Manchuria Railway Company. The Abbot Kouzui really intended to establish kind of official kilns of the South Manchuria Railway Company. At first, Komori succeeded more or less in producing imitations of those ceramics fired at the civil kilns such as Cizhou ware. However, when it comes to the wares fired at the official kilns, the skills of the kilns of the South Manchuria Railway Company was far from their skills when their ceramic production was at their peak. Second, it was the project to sell the Fengtian Antique Ceramics to the Kii House of Tokugawa. The Abbot Kozui made Kyosuke Ueda to make this deal but little progress was made in this project.

In 1920, Kyosuke Ueda set up private kilns named Touga ware which was independent from the South Manchuria Railway Company. This seems that it was due to the instruction by the Abbot Kozui who was then ready to abandon the official kilns of the South Manchuria Railway Company. However, the Abbot Kozui ordered his subordinate Manzo Nakao, a pharmacy researcher of the Department of Pharmacy in the South Manchuria Railway Company, to support Ueda and Nakao supported Ueda as the dummy of the Abbot Kouzui. After leaving the South Manchuria Railway Company, Ueda approached to Major General Masasuke Hamaomote, Chief of Staff of the Kwantung Army, in order to get sales channel for imitation ceramics but Hamaomote took this chance to obtain concent of the higher-ups in the Japanese Imperial Army on the project of imitation ceramics production jointly with Ueda because Hamaomote needed to compensate Prince Su for his spent war chest in connection with the Manchuria-Mongolia Independent Movement.

The intervention by Hamaomote was an unexpected incident for the Abbot Kozui, too. Since the Abbot Kozui anticipated that the imitation ceramics production project would influence on the safety of the Fentian Antique Ceramics, he asked his close friend General Yusaku Uehara, Chief of the General Staff of the Japanese Imperial Army, to block the project. Uehara was a member of the Fentian clique in connection with Manchurian policy and aimed to establish Fentian government by Zhang Zuolin rather than the support of the Manchuria-Mongolia Independent Movement by Prince Su that the Lüshunkou clique including Hamaomote was advancing. As such, Uehara, in response to the request by the Abbot Kozui, newly established the secret military agency in Fentian and appointed the Major General Yajiro Kishi, Uehara’s right-hand person, as the head of the agency and ordered him to have close friendships with Zhang Zuolin and to facilitate the business negotiations for selling the Fentian Antique Ceramics with the Kii House of Tokugawa. At the same time, Uehara secretly dispatched Shuzo Yoshizono, a private secret agent, to Fentian and ordered him to interrupt the project of the imitation ceramics production.

The Fengtian Antique Ceramics were moved to Japan in early 1925 and before long they began to flow out. It was because the Abbot Kozui began to sell them in order to recover the expenses he had spent for buying them since he had contributed 5 million yen to the fund of buying the Fengtian Antique Ceramics which totaled 7.5 million yen. The flow of the Fengtian Antique Ceramics was done very confidentially to prevent people in public from knowing the existence of the Fentian Antique Ceramics. Matsushige Hirota and other upstart antique merchants were involved as contacts of selling the Fentian Antique Ceramics. I presume that this is partly evidenced by the fact that there are ceramics donated by Matsushige Hirota as the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text as shown earlier.


5. Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text vs. Remaining Ceramics

With regard to the concrete images of the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text, please consult the Sato Book and other illustrated books or look at the pictures of those ceramics cited in My Book from such books in case of the Publicized Ceramics. In addition, regarding the Semi-Publicized Ceramics, please consult the Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books or look at the pictures cited in My Book from the books in case of the Kishu Ceramics. Furthermore, in case of the said six ware items owned by Kyosuke Ueda, please consult his book entitled “Historical Research on Chinese Ceramics” or look at the pictures of the wares cited in My Book from his book.

There are 50 items of the Ceramics Listed in the Existing Illustrated Text which came to be in the possession of the Kibun-kai from a person(s) related to the Kii House of Tokugawa. Therefore, the number of the outflown ceramics totals 193 items. Out of those ceramics, 126 items were identified as the Publicized Ceramics while other 6 items were owned by Kyosuke Ueda. The remaining 61 items are unknow at present, however, it is quite possible that they have slipped into the pictures of the Sato Book or other ceramic books or creeped into the Kishu Ceramics. If we estimate the number of them, as described earlier in the above table, there will be 87 items cited in the Sato Book and 37 items in the Kishu Ceramics.

Most of the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text are cited in the Sato Book and became the Publicized Ceramics while the remainings went to the Kibun-kai to become the Kishu Ceramics which are treated as the Semi-Publicized Ceramics. As a result, it is no wonder that those ceramics cited in the Sato Book and the Kishu Ceramics are in a state of confrontation from the background of their outflow. However, the critical issue here is that they are also in a state of another confrontation in respect of their workmanship.

The ceramics cited in the Sato Book are all originals while the ceramics cited in the Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books are totally different from the Publicized Ceramics in terms of workmanship. Due to this, ceramics cited in the Kishu Illustrated Ceramic Books are often pointed out as the ceramics made in the special Emperor Kilns which causes difficulty in distinguishing between original ceramics and imitated ceramics to our regret. What eminently shows it are the “Dingzhou Ruby wares in the Northern Song dynasty (北宋定州红玉)”, “Lu Ding wares in the Northern Song dynasty (北宋绿定)”, “Jun yao wares in the Northern Song dynasty (北宋钧窑)”, “Yuan bule-and white wares (元青花)”, “Yuan wares in underglaze red and blue (元釉里红青)”, “Wucai enameled wares in Jiajing period (嘉靖五彩)”, “Jiangguantun yao wares in Liaoning Province (辽江官屯窑)”, “Black hawthorns wares in the Qing dynasty (清黑地多彩瓷)” and so forth. To be more concrete, please speculate on what I said consulting My Book.

There is porcelain which I was unable to make up my mind in determining the period when it was made from the outset. That is the porcelain of Item No. 85, or the “Jar decorated with nine dragons among waves in underglaze red and blue (釉里红青九龙壶)”. It was because the lined waves in underglaze red did not look like brushstroke lines by any possibility. However, when I had a chance to see Shuzo’s private notes and the Illustrated Text later, I eventually understood the porcelain jar is the highest-ranked ware among the the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text. Even now I have no choice but to estimate the year of its manufacture because the Illustrated Text did not mention about it at all. My conclusion is that the porcelain jar was made at the Emperor Kilns of the Yongzheng emperor and, moreover, it overwhelms the porcelains it modeled on which were made in the early Ming dynasty in every respect. After all, I realized that it should be named as the “Ceramics beyond the Originals” rather than mere “imitated ceramics”.

There are two items of the “Dingzhou Ruby wares in the Northern Song dynasty” but the porcelains of Item Nos. 24 and 25 are different in respect of red glaze used for them. At first, I deemed the former the so-called “Northern Dingzhou ware (北定)” and the latter the “Southern Dingzhou ware (南定)”. But, thanks to the discovery of the Illustrated Text, I understood that these porcelains are called the “Dingzhou Ruby wares”. It seems unlikely that the former was produced during any period other than the Northern Song dynasty. Concerning the latter, there is a different opinion even within the Kibun-kai that it is the “Ceramics beyond the Originals” which was produced in the Emperor Kilns of the Yongzheng emperor.

Speaking of the “Yuan bule-and white wares (元青花)”, the porcelain of Item No. 162 has the same shape and decoration pattern like the so-called “Mayer’s Meiping Vase”. However, the workmanship of the porcelain is clearly different and its form keeps the air of the Song dynasty. As such, it should be regarded as the origin of the blue-and-white porcelains in the Yuan dynasty. I think that it is nothing but the outset of the blue-and-white porcelains of the Yuan dynasty which was made with enthusiastic bloody efforts by the potters who run away from the Jizhou ware to the New World Jingdezhen to present them to the Mongolian emperor.

What can compete with the said porcelain is the porcelain of Item No. 170, vase with handles with wave and leaf motif in underglaze red and blue (釉里红青鎹耳瓶). I think that this porcelain vase tells that the potters came from the Jizhou ware accomplished the porcelains in underglaze red as well as the blue-and white porcelains simultaneously. However, when it comes to the porcelain of Item No. 164, blue-and-white vase with carved dragon and peony motif (青花白堆龙牡丹文天球瓶), and the porcelain of Item No. 148, meiping vase with dragon among waves motif in underglaze red (釉里红龙波涛文梅瓶), it is not determined yet whether such porcelains are originals or imitations because there is an argument which deems that they were made at the Emperor Kilns in the early Qing dynasty.

Among the Kishu Ceramics, there are many porcelains decorated in overglaze enamels made in the Jiajing period (嘉靖五彩). I found that most of them are imitations made in the early Qing dynasty, but some of them look like original wares in the Jiajing period. The porcelain of Item No. 223, vase decorated in overglaze enamels with Tianqi reign mark and period (天启五彩壶), is considered as one of the few existing originals produced at the official wares in the Tianqi period.
The porcelain of Item No. 229, jar with cover decorated with flower design in gold and susancai enamels on black ground in the Kangxi period (康熙黑地金襴手五彩壶), is really a highlight of original wares made in the Qing dynasty and it shines brilliantly in the history of Chinese ceramics. The way of producing such black color is different from ordinary method, namely, it used the Emperor Kilns’ secret art.

There is no end to explaining point by point, but you may now understand how the Kishu Ceramics differ a lot from the Publicized Ceramics. However, it should be noted that most of such Publicized Ceramics are the Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text. Where does the difference between the Kishu Ceramics and the Publicized Ceramics come from? According to my inference, it is because the Abbot Kozui differentiated the Outflown Ceramics Listed in the Illustrated Text from the Remaining Ceramics. What is important is the reason why he did so. He selected only original wares and sold them out not because it is easy to sell them but because the original wares, which are the worldwide treasure, are taken good care of by anyone wherever they exist. What the Abbot Kozui did not sell but kept by him were only the very special wares that were made in the Emperor Kilns during the Song and Yuan dynasties as well as the Ceramics beyond the Originals made in the Emperor Kilns during the three emperors in the early Qing dynasty, namely, the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong emperors. As mentioned above, the imitations made in the Emperor Kilns had the special meaning as the Regalia of the Manchurian emperors.

Although I have not yet finished my research on the Illustrated Text, my anniversary of Koki (古稀) or 70 year-old longevity, is coming nearer. My energy and spirits would be burned out sooner or later as well. I think now it is the time to pass over my research to the next generation. Recently, lots of new knowledge has been obtained through excavations and I believe that my unfinished research will pay off by the scientific knowledge of the 21st centuary with no doubt.